The first thing I would do if I ruled the world would be to bring into international law the equivalent of the "Glass Steagall Act" which would prohibit a bank holding company from owning other financial companies. This would create a seperation between investment banks which issue securities and commercial banks. This would also prevent investment bankers acting as CEOs etc. of commercial banks. Any bank that broke this law would see its board, CEOs and top officers being treated as criminals with a long jail term (as this is my world I think I will include hard labour as well into the sentence), the bank would be nationalised so that the customers would not suffer and the workers would keep their jobs.
All tax havens would be dismantled and every person or company which used those facilities would be forced to pay back the last 10 years of taxes in full as if they were ordinary citizens. The money brought in from doing this would be billions and that money would be used to clear slums, build houses for the homeless, provide fully equipped hospitals, put every child into school, clean water and invent new irrigation techniques and invest in new green technologies, all these projects would create jobs for the people and inject growth into the world economy as well as the local economies.
I would outlaw speculating of the kind companies like "Glencore" specialise in especially in basic food stuffs and basic commodities.
I would insist that the EU create a monetary fund to support the EU countries. Failing economies such as Greece and Ireland for example who will probably default on their payments and bring about even more confusion in the markets would have their debts waived and start again with a "clean sheet" the only proviso being that the country involved start to invest in creating jobs for their populations, reform their tax laws (which will be much easier to implement with the huge burden of debt no longer hanging over their heads) and if they haven't already done so sign up to Human Rights Agreements. Any country that has populations of gypsies, ethnic minorities, gay, lesbian and transgender communities in their country must give all of them full equality and protection under the law and I would make sure the laws were used to protect these communities.
Capital punishment would be no more. Prisoners on "Death Row" in any country but especially America must have their cases reviewed and children under the age of 18 should not be held in prisons instead they should be in custody which provides a high standard of education and care.
I am enjoying this but finally I would make prostitution and all drugs legal. This would immediately remove the income pimps, gangs, slavers and drug dealers make at the moment from the most vulnerable parts of society. Prostitutes could form co-operatives and work in the same system that they use in Hamburg or Amsterdam. Drugs and clean drug paraphenalia would be issued at 24/7 clinics that would be found in every town and city the clinics would also offer counselling and rehab facilities.
As I said at the start of this little "rantette" this is my world but everything I have talked about is possible and we have to start thinking about new ways forward. We are at the start of the twenty first century we have to start thinking like citizens of this new century and - oh yes, I want every one in the whole world to go to an amusement park of their choosing for a free long weekend once a year! (people who don't enjoy going to places like "Disneyland" or "Alton Towers" can have free tickets to the opera).