Let's face the music and dance

I am in the middle of writing the last chapter of "Days of Thrift" with the last part of the editing to do;  on the 14th July 2011 it will go onto Amazon to be sold as an e book for £6.00.  I have been writing it since January 2011 and it covers subjects such as being unemployed, eating well on a tight budget, getting free food, barter, finding a new job and squatting, the six blogs I have written are also included.

I don't know if what I have written is any good or will do any good, I had a panic the other evening when I thought, what if everyone hates it and then I thought, well it's been written now and there is no going back, which made me feel more cheerful.

To keep myself sane I have been writing childrens stories at the same time, out of nowhere four characters emerged and became 6 stories centred around a cafe in Bristol called "The Artistic Yetis Cafe" run, of course, by 4 Yetis. I want to write 12 stories in all and again publish as e books.

Some days I have been getting up at 5am working until 9am, then watching "The Wright Stuff" after that back to writing until 7pm when Channel 4 News starts.  In the middle of all that I have been looking for work as my savings have run out and I have signed on, so I am living my work.

The title for this blog is "Lets face the Music and Dance" and that is how I feel, tired yet hyper which is always the way I used to feel when I finished work on a script and raring to go.

"Let's face the Music and Dance" could be the title for the upheavals the country is going through as well, the News of the World scandal is going to open up a huge window on how the "Great and Good" have used and abused their positions, not just in News International and the Murdoch empire but in a lot of other areas too, why would you need to hack the phones of relatives of dead soldiers? 

Well, they always say if you wait long enough by the river the bodies of all your enemies will float by and I really hope the enquiries will not be whitewashes but show what so many of us have said for a long time that a corrupt and greedy plutocracy is destroying our rights, our economy and our country and then rein in their power with legal curbs that work.

With huge price jumps for gas, high food prices and every week new job losses I can see we are all going to dance to a different tune.  I hope the tune brings a clarity  which will allow us to connect the dots between the bankers casino banking practices, the hedge funds price manipulation, and all the other issues I have banged on about over the months and the tune show us all a way forward that is ethical, inclusive and brings prosperity for all of us

How funny,I have just got an e-mail saying that I am now a VIP with one of the survey companies because I have filled in my surveys promptly and fully and so I have been entered into a new prize draw and would I like to fill in a new survey?  Okay, what is it this time - milk shakes, carpet cleaners or motorbikes.  No, its cat food.  See you soon.


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