no such thing as a free lunch

Ever since I started writing this blog I have been testing out various ways of making money or getting freebies and I have had some success.  I signed up to anwer about 4 or 5 surveys each day and I registered with "Free Stuff".  I got 6 free tomato plants so I will have free tomatoes this year.  I was awarded 2 £10.00 wouchers for Amazon and at the rate I read that equals 4 books maybe more as I use "Kindle" and some  ebooks are free.

I faithfully fill in my surveys and commodetise my opinions about fruit juices, health products and the merits of furniture polish.  I particularly like "YouGov" as that one is more fun and you can be rude about David Cameron and George Osborne.  I have been clocking up points and gaining entries for prize draws, so many I have lost count as all these sites run prize draws each month or quarter and I won a computer game I actually want to play with backgammon chess and card games.

So, I will keep going as I don't care enough about furniture polish to feel my privacy is being invaded or that I am being used to make companies profit and I love tomatoes.

Only 5% of the UK population earns £60,000.00 a year most people earn £24,000.00 a year and are watching their incomes and standard of living erode drastically, a chance win on a prize draw or lottery will not change our society or bring people out of poverty.

I want every household in the UK which earns less than £40,000.00 a year to receive £10,000.00 as a gift tax free to use as they see fit, the only proviso being if  it is used for a holiday the holiday must be taken in the UK to support our tourist industry.

I can hear the hysteria erupting from the uber rich and people who believe the lie that Britain is broke and everyone must "do their bit" and "tighten their belts" we spend millions on wars and weapons, security for that wedding and bailing out bankers and hedge funds but children live in dire poverty. We have got to change the dynamic, not trickle down economics but bottom up synergy.

Just apply a gift of £10,000.00 to your own life.  I would pay off all my bills and use part of it to take a course to learn a language, buy some new clothes, go to the theatre and invest in my business. In that one sentence all the companies I owe money now have cash flow, the clothes shops, language provider and the arts have now got some revenue they didn't have before and my publishing company will have funds. Young people who couldn't afford to leave home will have money for renting a flat of their own, setting up their own business or going to college.

Use your imagination and follow the money it would transform our country.

I am going to close now and leave this while I think it over further.


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